Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Want to Be a Networker?


Looking at the industry of network marketing people are fascinated by the lifestyle networkers are leading. You need not be a millionaire to have lots of freedom – work from home to you schedule, earning not a linear but a recurring income to quote only a few features.

Now what is a linear income – it is an income which stops the moment your performance stops. Look at at a lawyer or a shoe maker or a taxi driver or in fact many other professions – in each case the income stops as soon as you quit doing your job.

A recurring income is an income which keeps coming in after having done something right once. What could that be – it could be a singer who recorded a cd which keeps being sold again and again earning him a constant income, or a writer who wrote a best seller book which keeps being sold, but of course it could be a network marketer who built his business once and solid.

Having such a recurring income permits the person a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle without having to worry about orders or money or a job – wow what a benefit to have.

Linear and recurring can be applied to other areas of business as well. For example buying a car, providing you pay it in cash would be a linear purchase whereas the rent for a flat would be a recurring expense. Provided you have paid into a pension scheme your pension will be a recurring income too. Many people, however, cannot afford to pay enough into pension schemes that their pension will permit them to maintain their accustomed lifestyle once they are pensioners. Therefore it is no surprise that  many people want to become networkers and build a recurring income that will permit them to maintain their desired lifestyle .

Next time we will be looking as to what  has to be watched out for when choosing a network marketing opportunity, that everything is in place and solid, so that the business will not only pay their retirement but will also pay their children and grandchildren! Information which is well defined thanks to Michael Dloughy.


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