Longevity with Network Marketing
Perhaps you will wonder how longevity and network marketing fit. Let me tell you a story to explain:
I come from a family where longevity is kind of the “general family feature”. On my maternal as well as on my paternal side many of my forefathers lived well into their nineties. The fascinating thing about it is, that the people in my family stay active even at that age. Therefore people tell me – “you really have excellent genes and therefore a high likelihood of getting very old”. However, as a standard reply I tell them that not only my blood relations turn old in good health, but that also the respective partners, who marry into the family and who of course do not share our genes, become just as old as a rule.
To me this clear evidence that longevity is not only a question of genes, but to just the same extent it is a question of personal attitude and lifestyle. Lifestyle of course means leading a fairly healthy life with proper food, enough sleep, a certain amount of physical activity to make sure the system gets enough oxygen, but also mental activity so that the brain’s alertness is maintained. Lots of work we find doesn’t harm at all! Attitude is your personal mindset as to how you approach life, your pattern of thoughts, mental activity, readiness to be open and forward, making plans and living a life with a focus and goals.
Attitude is the link to network marketing. Network marketing is an industry where people have to learn as to how to improve their attitude, how to specify their desires, make plans, go forward and blend with the world and the people in it, all of which creates an environment of mental activity, positive thought patterns and a zest for life and joy that in turn forms an excellent basis for longevity at perfect health.
Time will show if in years to come the ratio of network marketers among the people who become old will be exceptionally high – right now lots of things indicate that this may well be so.
You feel you want to know how to proceed in this direction? Well – simply be in touch and start communicating. We’ll help you find out where to go or where your focus in life may be.
Your Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
I would add Happiness can slow the process of aging. I believe so or maybe put it in better words age better. I personally noticed that when a person is happy and takes good care of themeselves, they don't have a lot of wrinkles and they look very good for their age. I agree with a lot of the things you mention in the article such as food, thoughts etc. Toughts govern our moods and state of happiness. But luckily to the law of attraction we gradually learn to shift our persepctives.
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