The Freedom of Being Your Own Boss
Looking at being self employed from the standard point of view it can be interpreted as: “work yourself and do it steadily”. This is an idea which doesn’t appeal to lots of people. It is the general idea, that being self employed means that unless you work all the time your income will not be there and what’s even worse you have the option of 24 hours per day or of having employees with all the resulting liabilities.
Especially in societies with a high level of social security, where unemployment benefits are a standard, the idea of being employed spreads security some way or other. People think that even if out of work they will have at least some money to keep them going. In contrast self employed people are considered to be working without a safety grid.
As we are what we think it is small wonder that people have somewhat lost their dreams in the process or they have become so remote that they only reside in some far away fairy tale. The habit to adjust to what ever income they have has become a plague – and we all know, plagues are destructive. They are destructive to the inflicted person as well as to the society where the plague strikes.
Now let us discuss the freedom of being your own boss. In a solid MLM business, where all the required features are top notch you all of a sudden have the chance to actually build a business. This means you stop exchanging your time for money, the key factor which keeps you in the rat race in conventional business.
In MLM it is the top requirement that first of all you build yourself and only then you build a team, you support your team, you build your customer base and provide service to them and you learn step by step how to become proficient in this new environment.
What does it mean to build yourself. As stated at the beginning of this contribution, it is inherent in our society that people tend to loose their dreams. So building yourself means recapturing your dreams, learning to create a vision and ultimately a goal which will become the fuel for your activities.
When acting from a burning desire to achieve your goal, all your activities of building your team by building the people you work with are fruitful. It is wonderful to watch people evolve, give them the support they require and to have great life time friendships develop. What do you think?
A residual income will be the bye product of building your business, which will give you the freedom to live the life of your dreams.
Come and join the ride!
Frieke Karlovits
Your Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
Why are Gardening and Network Marketing Alike?
Working in the garden puts me in a pensive state of mind and today it suddenly struck me: Network marketing is just like gardening and I will explain it to you.
When you know nothing at all about gardening and you decide you want to buy a house with a nice piece of land and start your own garden, this will be a major challenge if you just go about it without getting yourself educated about gardening.
Even if you start reading up you will still need someone who is proficient about it to give you advice and support and at times perhaps even a helping hand. You need to plan what you want to be doing first. Decide where the fruit trees will have to go and which, which area would be nice for a vegetable garden and which plant mix would suit to make the space around the house and the yard just beautiful. It has to be considered carefully that something nice is there at each season, that the required work will be in tune with the time you can spend on it and that you kind of develop the garden for long-term usage.
Now let us look at network marketing. when you first have the idea that you want to do something on top of your job you have to do some critical thinking as to how much time you will be able to put in and what the ultimate goal in context with the additional effort would be. Then, if you proceed wisely you will have to look around and find someone whom you trust and who will be able to help you get going in a business of your own. And of course you will make sure that you work with someone who has adequate experience and whose success was not achieved in the past but who is having success now! This is what Michael Dloughy points out again and again and it makes perfect sense considering the changes which have taken place in business since the internet has come up.
Time is a feature which gardening and network marketing have in common too. You cannot expect a garden to be flourishing within a few short weeks and you cannot expect a business to be either. Growth, which ever way, always takes place over a period of time. Lots of people have a problem with this, but some don’t!
Frieke Karlovits
Why Want to Be a Networker?
Looking at the industry of network marketing people are fascinated by the lifestyle networkers are leading. You need not be a millionaire to have lots of freedom – work from home to you schedule, earning not a linear but a recurring income to quote only a few features.
Now what is a linear income – it is an income which stops the moment your performance stops. Look at at a lawyer or a shoe maker or a taxi driver or in fact many other professions – in each case the income stops as soon as you quit doing your job.
A recurring income is an income which keeps coming in after having done something right once. What could that be – it could be a singer who recorded a cd which keeps being sold again and again earning him a constant income, or a writer who wrote a best seller book which keeps being sold, but of course it could be a network marketer who built his business once and solid.
Having such a recurring income permits the person a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle without having to worry about orders or money or a job – wow what a benefit to have.
Linear and recurring can be applied to other areas of business as well. For example buying a car, providing you pay it in cash would be a linear purchase whereas the rent for a flat would be a recurring expense. Provided you have paid into a pension scheme your pension will be a recurring income too. Many people, however, cannot afford to pay enough into pension schemes that their pension will permit them to maintain their accustomed lifestyle once they are pensioners. Therefore it is no surprise that many people want to become networkers and build a recurring income that will permit them to maintain their desired lifestyle .
Next time we will be looking as to what has to be watched out for when choosing a network marketing opportunity, that everything is in place and solid, so that the business will not only pay their retirement but will also pay their children and grandchildren! Information which is well defined thanks to Michael Dloughy.
Your Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
Using Technocrati!
To boost my world wide web even further I have decided to join Technocrati! gijwv53bmt